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company_seo_logo Lab Technician - Synthesis

Lieu de travail:

Suisse, Zurich, Wädenswil




Contrôle qualité

Filiale: Gi Life Sciences
Date de la dernière mise à jour: 28/01/2025
Gi Life Sciences logo

Description de l'emploi

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For our client in Wädenswil, we are looking for a motivated

Lab Technician - Synthesis

As a Lab Technician in the Organic Chemistry laboratory, you will assist the Chemists in the process of drug discovery for small molecules, contributing in the creation of new anticancer agents. You will work closely with other scientists within a project team to confirm the structures which you have synthesized.

Your tasks

  • Self-planning and accomplishment of objectives according to instructions given by the superior or other Chemists
  • Document synthesis details and analytical results in the ELN on a daily basis
  • Document deviations from planned activities / results and propose alternative solutions using synthesis databases
  • Optimization of reaction conditions and purification processes steps
  • Analysis and identification of reaction products by using appropriate analytical tools including HPLC, MS and NMR
  • Purification of compounds by chromatography
  • Collaborate and share information with other technicians to improve working processes
  • Collaborating closely and supportive as part of an international team
  • Demonstrate continuous improvement of lab work
  • Ensure compliant disposal of chemical waste from working environment
  • Ensure working environment is safe, clean and compliant with EHS and chemical regulations at all times
  • Review appropriate safety documentation to ensure full understanding of operation and risks using chemicals to ensure maintenance of laboratory safety

Your qualifications

  • Apprenticeship as a lab technician or equivalent qualification
  • + 3 years of professional experience in organic synthesis
  • Experience performing analytical methods (NMR, HPLC, LCMS) and interpretation of results
  • Able to work in a results driven environment, flexible to changing priorities and work within deadlines
  • Good communication skills, both written and verbal in English. Additional knowledge of German is a plus

Your application

Please apply online. For further information about the position, please contact your Gi Consultant, Ms. Marta Castellano, MSc Biology (+41 76 342 57 90)

Gi Life Science is part of Gi Group Holding, a global ecosystem of HR services and consulting that supports the development of the labour market and helps to change people's lives in 37 countries around the world.

In Switzerland we operate with the brands Gi Life Sciences, Gi Group, Grafton, BauTech and former Kelly Services. We are active in temporary, permanent and professional staffing as well as in a variety of complementary HR Services. With a direct presence in 35 locations across Switzerland and over 250 employees, we are one of the leading staffing companies in the Swiss recruitment market.

Gi Life Sciences is specialist for Temporary and Permanent staffing in the Life Science sector, as well as a valuable partner for many other HR Solutions. We believe in experts talking to experts: all our professionals are certified in scientific sector, meaning that they are able to understand your needs and support you at 360°.

Voir les détails

Gérera d'autres personnes:Non
Type de contrat:CDI


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